Sunday, April 13, 2008

What the.....

Yummy looking cookies, no?

So I made these cookies. It's a simple recipe, really. Some butter, eggs, flour, etc. Oh, and some pecans. Cause they're yummy.
So I made these cookies. Mixed 'em up and baked all six dozen or so. Had them all stacked up on a plate ready to go and finally picked one up to eat. Took a couple of bites and bit into a small, very hard, crunchy something. I thought to myself "gee...I hope that wasn't an egg shell....." But I crack eggs the right way and never get egg shells and I was watching very closely, besides. I continued eating because very few things would stop me from finishing a fine chocolate chip cookie. Very few things stop me from partaking of a second fine chocolate chip cookie either, so I did. And CRUNCH again! Alright. Something was screwy here....similar problem in both samples of cookies. Could those expensive pecans I got from Costco have had NUT SHELLS in them?? Surely not! I trust Costco almost implicitly, and besides, I was paying attention.

Well I stopped after two cookies, mostly because I got busy.

Later that night, I asked my hubby if he had eaten a cookie. He answered in the affirmative. I then asked if perhaps he had encountered an unexpected crunch factor. He replied " egg shells" Well, we all know that I crack egg shells the right way, and was watching closely, besides....So I put it out of my mind and went to sleep.

I got up the next morning and chose a lovely specimen of chipiness for my pre-breakfast snack. Bit into it and CRUNCH! THAT WAS IT!!!! I had to get to the bottom of this culinary conundrum!! I mentally went through my list of ingredients. Then it hit me......I went to my tin of flour. I began to sift.....

Wait for it......

AH HA!!!!!

My flour supply had been contaminated by our resident terrorist pictured below:

Innocent-looking, I know. However, do not be fooled. This one person who represents only 12.5% of the content of our family contributes at least 63.2% of the mess and mental energy that I expend in a single day. Now you know why I make so many cookies..........


Carterista said...

Since a plate of cookies was the prize, I guess the joke's on Chris! Haha! I guess I don't mind losing this time. Ü

kellieanne said...

"Hum. Flour is white, rice is white, so they belong in the same white group." I can totally see where he was going with it. You the man, Cameron!

Peggy Eddleman said...

That is the funniest blog entry! I laughed and laughed.... then laughed some more! And I don't think that picture of Cameron is totally innocent looking... he definitely has a mischevious glint in his eyes! You know, like his is planning what to do next. You should be afraid. Be very afraid. Hehehehe.

Ashley said...

Oh my that is hilarious! Pretty smart trick.

i'm erin. said...

hahahahahahahaha...hahahahahaha...hahahahaha...I LOVE RICE! Maybe he is also part hawaiian?!?

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