Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What We Do When the Boys Are Gone

Or more like what we don't do. On top of my normal lack of sleep, you can add an extra dose of sleep deprivation simply because I am too paranoid to sleep without Jason here. If any or all of this blog post is incoherent, now you know why. I also knock down my responsibility level a couple of notches. Less cleaning, less laundry......but honestly, I'm just saving up energy 'cause I know when they get home, I'll have triple the normal cleaning & laundry waiting for me.

But there is fun stuff! We did Henna Tattoos. They turned out pretty cool. Sid had a peacock, and Jen, a tree of life, which I do not have a photo of, but believe me when I say it was cool!

Then, I fulfilled a life-long dream of mine. OK, more like a few month-long fascination of mine. It was baking these:

Don't they look yummy? Look closer:

Um, yeah. I just kept hearing about chocolate chip bacon cookies (for real--not a joke). So with a tiny bit of encouragement from Jen, I candied some thick slice bacon and added it to my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Were they good, you ask? Hmm.....I really, really wanted these to be spectacular.

1. I love bacon.
2. Bacon is good with some sweet things (think pineapple wrapped with bacon and broiled--super yummy!).
3. The candied bacon was scrumptious--just sprinkle bacon with brown sugar and bake in the oven. Really--it's like candy!
4. Chocolate is good with a lot of strange things.
5. My chocolate chip cookie recipe could make almost anything better.

And the first two I ate while still warm were pretty great! But as time went by, I just kept thinking: "there's MEAT in my cookies!" And really, I just can't get past that. So taste good they might, but is it necessary? I don't think so. Let's just say I took this one for the team and now you don't ever have to wonder if it's the right thing to do.

(And no; this bacon experiment wasn't a result of some wacky no-sleep delusion. The recipes are legit.)

Let me know what you think!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Great cookbook idea!

I came across this cookbook today and thought it was such a creative idea that I would share it with you! As you enjoy making the recipes with your kids, you take a quick picture, which you can then slip into a photo sleeve on the recipe page! A reminder of the recipe and how much fun you had preparing it with your kids. So clever!! There is a website where you can check it out: Picture Me Cooking.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yum, Smack, Drool!!!

Aren't these mouth-watering? These beautiful cupcakes come from a just about to open in Orem store named Cupcake Chic. Check out their website and look out for the store. I love supporting local business run by local people! If you Twitter, you can sign up to follow and get updates about when they will open!

Happy Birthday Spencer

I'd like your interpretation of this masterpiece in 15 words or less:**

**Spencer promises $5 to anyone who uses the magic phrase in their response.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Rope-1; Sidney-0

Sidney was playing a little game of tug-of-war with a horse. Normally, a person would be wearing gloves whilst handling rope in this manner. However, Sidney frequently has more than gloves on her mind and this time was no exception. Short story even shorter: horse bolted; rope started to slip; Sidney didn't let go. Held on tighter, in fact. Picture below shows why this is a bad idea:

I don't have a before bandage picture, but believe me; the bandages are a good gauge of what lies beneath! I don't envy the next few days.

Do not despair! Sidney has assured me that her texting skills will only diminish slightly.

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