Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Just For Luke

I love how life works. Y'know, you're just crusin' through each day, trying to make something nice out of it, and before you know it--you've just made a new friend without even trying! Such is the story of Luke. Now I've never been to England. Only been to Tiajuana for about 15 minutes. I just don't get out much! (time for that later, I suppose!) So how does one become acquainted with a pretty amazing ENGLISHKID? Well....suffice it to say, it's a pretty random, round-about story that involves Sidney and Megan, and it's really their experience, so I won't elaborate--unless you ask me personal-like, and then, maybe... for now I'll just sit back and reap the benefits of their social butterfly-ness and be glad the world is really a pretty small place when it comes right down to it!

Luke is sixteen, and, I quote Sidney here because I am not about to get myself into trouble, is quite "fit-as", which I do not recommend you looking up on a British slang page as it lies in close proximity to some not-so-nice colloquialisms...(baaad mental pictures folks! Take my word for it....) "Fit-as" would be the equivalent of very good looking, or "hot" if you will. Again, Sidney's words people....I'm just repeating them to help you visualize...My point is, any self respecting teenage girl would OF COURSE follow him around at EFY......(love ya! Megs!) Luke also has a ton of interests, especially music and movies, spending quality time with his friends, attending concerts, or "gigs" as he would say, and obvioulsy has an appreciation for life and being a teenager. I've totally enjoyed parusing his blog and gaining insight to the life of a clean living, teenage boy from another country!

I bring Luke up because as the snow came pounding down yesterday and today....I thought to myself how much I would miss it if I lived somewhere where it doesn't snow like it does here. That made me think of people I know who live in such places, and that made me think of Luke, my newfound English friend! I swear I read somewhere that he had never experienced snow like ours so I thought I would snap some photos and post them in hopes that someday he is able to visit Utah during one of our amazing snowstorms. They really shouldn't be missed. And neither should opportunities to meet new people! Am I happy when strange (in the acquainted sense...) young, foreign boys randomly call up my daughter on Sunday afternoons and let her talk their ear off? Actually, if they are as nice, "fit-as", head-on-straight, well-rounded, interesting and smoothly-accented as Luke, then YES! And in a reciprocal move, I give a shoutout to Luke and his blog. As soon as (if) he gives me permission, I'll link up to it from HERE and you all can get to know him too!

So back to the snow....If I somehow just imagined your comment about our snow, Luke, you'll have to forgive me and know that I hope you get to experience it someday anyway! I appreciate the excuse to post some cool winter pics! For you, Luke, of course......

Haha!! Megan, this is the bike you left here months ago!!

Sid loves snow too! Don'tcha, Sid?

Ski Utah People!! Greatest Snow On Earth!!

Oh my goodness.....I love this shot!

Our roofline....

Our picnic table.

The view out our front door.

Sid & the softly falling snow...

Sweet Shelby

Me, myself, and I by: Me, Myself, & I.


Luke said...

Heey Tammy! You seriously made my whole day, and it is 23:41..!

Anyway, guess what?! We have snow over here too! Almsot a millimetre, though probably not quite. It's pathetic...

But I love your pictures! They're awesome. Nice angles you go there. And just for the record, Sidney looks fit-as in those pics - especially the one in the parka, I must add.

Talk later!

meg. said...

for one-
i left that stupid bike there hoping it would magically vanish. Oh how i loathe that bike.
for two-
whooooo snow.
it's a date.
for three-
i love you too.
for four (haaa. same/different word.)
You are a beast. I admire your photography skill. Someday i hope i can match yours.

kellieanne said...

Wow! Great pictures. I agree with Luke that Sidney looks "fit-as" in those parka pictures, especially the light colored one. What blue eyes!

Oh yeah, I liked the orange berries too. You photographer, you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tami,
Love your blog. I have to say your daughter is so pretty. Is she into any modeling? I think she has what it would take.
Where did you learn to take such good photo's, and what kind of camera do you have?? All your pictures are just WOW!!

Carterista said...

Wow is right! The pics, the people, TheEnglishKid. Sound like a great guy to be friends with.
Hey, EnglishKid. I can hear your accent in your comment! :)

JoMamma said...

you make me wish another snow storm would come through. I want the pretty snow again.

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